Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Some Summer Fun....

I have been having trouble with posting and uploading photos lately and hopefully I may have found at least what might be a temporary solution. It seems that we had used up our allotted space of 2 g's and would have to gain more space by purchasing it. Blogger has also changed some things so that I have to upload photos only to Picasa and then sync them to the web in order to post them here. But I managed to accomplish what I needed as this was a test run and maybe we'll be good for at least awhile.But in the meantime enjoy some of the photos that Mary Oelrich Rolling took at this summer's Annual Picnic. If you see youself or others you know, please leave a note and we'll tag those faces. a big thank you to Mary for taking the time to snap this happy group and send them on to me. If you don't hear from me for awhile it's most likely that I ran into some more problems, but don't worry we'll work on getting things fixed even if we have to pay the small fee they might require. And hopefully I'll be able to post some more of Mary's photos.

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