Sunday, June 21, 2015

A Very Special Annual Dinner Meeting

 If you missed the Annual Lake Thompson Dinner and Meeting last night, you missed a very special night. But here are some highlights of the evening. Paul Schrieber, who has been doing most of the work for our AIS program highlighted what's been happening behind the scenes. He gave a rousing speech on further developments in our current program, which included the acquisition of a DNR grant to further "Educate and Protect" our lake. With the help of this grant, the Association provided a delicious dinner at Holiday Acres, at no charge to Lake Association members.  John Preuss, a DNR Warden from Spooner, where the program is initiated, was present and on hand to award our Youth Officers who do the inspections at the Boat Landing, a special plaque for their hard work. They cover the landing from Friday through Sunday and inspect all boats coming and going to make sure they have no Aquatic Invasive Species clinging to their boats that could be transported into Lake Thompson or another lake. This is a proactive program as we have no AIS present in our lake and hope to keep it that way for future generations.
 From left to right, DNR Warden John Preuss, Youth Officers Justice Ring, Luke Fritz, and Michael Fritz, and Paul Schreiber.

 If you see these young men with their official shirts, which will have these special badges, be prepared to let them do a thorough inspection on your boat before you enter the water. You'll notice that we now have a new logo for the Lake Association as seen above.
 This badge denotes the program we are enforcing, Clean Boats, Clean Waters.
And this one is the official State of WI badge. If you read this post, please leave a comment or check one of the boxes below, mostly so I know that this is making it's way to Lake Residents. More to follow....

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