This last weekend our boys at the boat landing discovered some pretty flowers and said they looked like the Purple loosestrife.
So Monday I cut one off and took it to the DNR to be checked out. A short while later I got a call from Sandy Wickman of the DNR and she said that it was the Purple loosestrife. She then told me what to do for now.
- To carefully cut the blooms off and then cut the stems as close to the ground.
- Then to put all into a trash bag and then into the garbage which will then go to the landfill.
This Morning I went to the landing and fault off Bumble Bees trying to pollinate.
Then followed Sandy’s instructions and cut all that I could find.
Sandy also told me that she would be putting our lake on the Beetle list for next spring.
She said they have a beetle that loves to eat the Purple loosestrifeplant.
This next weekend Paul and I will be slowly checking the lake shoreline for any more.
If any of you see this pretty flower let me or Paul know. If any of you
see this pretty flower let me or Paul know. If any of you want to cut one, just be careful of the blooms.
As the petals fall off that is where the seeds are.
"If the only tool you have is a hammer,
you tend to see every problem as a nail."