Thursday, January 17, 2013

Winter Flyer- Dues & Ice Out


Attached is the Lake Thompson Association Winter News letter.  This is our first attempt to recreate the lake association members email group for a more timely and efficient communications tool.  We are using the email address that you gave us last year.  Those that do not have an email address will be sent information via US Mail.  The goal is to have as many members on our lake email group in order to additionally save on mailing costs.  Please understand that we will have some undeliverable emails due to incorrect email addresses for various reasons.  We plan to update our email group on a regular basis as corrections are identified.


Please let us know your current address, phone numbers and email address with your mailed dues payment and ice out guess.  Note the earlier ice out contest mailing date deadline of February 20, 2013.



Lake Thompson Association Board

Mike Rolling, Treasurer

Lake Thompson Association Winter News

January 2013

Hello and Winter Greetings to all

-It is that time of year when we start thinking of the summer to come and fun at the lake.  It is also time to pay your Lake Thompson Association dues. $30.00 per year

-Paying your yearly dues awards you the chance to guess the official DAY AND TIME when you think the ice will officially

be OUT for Winter 2012/2013.  See form below.

-The annual meeting will be on Friday evening, 6/28/13, at Holiday Acres. 5:30 PM with the ICE OUT WINNER announcement

-Any comments or issues or concerns of members who cannot attend the annual meeting can be addressed to board members before the meeting. 

-For discussion will be the request for grants for any treatment of AIS, that may be found in Lake Thompson.  At this time we have been lucky with no AIS discovered in 2012.

PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING AT THE BOAT LANDING for prevention of AIS entering lake Thompson.  If you can only be there for an hour or two one day in June, July, and August you will be helping the small group which provides this service to the lake owners at this time with no compensation. 

-To save on postage, this letter will go out by email first.  Any whose emails are rejected or who have not provided us with an email address will receive their letter by US Mail.


YOUR DATE GUESS__________________________________ Deadline: Mailing date of February 20,2013

TIME: __________________________________

NAME: _________________________________

ADDRESS ______________________________Summer Address__________________________________

PHONE _________________________________Summer Phone: __________________________________

EMAIL __________________________________





WESTON, WI 54476-2833 



Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Some Summer Fun....

I have been having trouble with posting and uploading photos lately and hopefully I may have found at least what might be a temporary solution. It seems that we had used up our allotted space of 2 g's and would have to gain more space by purchasing it. Blogger has also changed some things so that I have to upload photos only to Picasa and then sync them to the web in order to post them here. But I managed to accomplish what I needed as this was a test run and maybe we'll be good for at least awhile.But in the meantime enjoy some of the photos that Mary Oelrich Rolling took at this summer's Annual Picnic. If you see youself or others you know, please leave a note and we'll tag those faces. a big thank you to Mary for taking the time to snap this happy group and send them on to me. If you don't hear from me for awhile it's most likely that I ran into some more problems, but don't worry we'll work on getting things fixed even if we have to pay the small fee they might require. And hopefully I'll be able to post some more of Mary's photos.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Weird Happenings....

This has been  a new year with some very strange weather patterns. As of today there is basically no snow except in areas where it has been piled up. Even though I heard on the weather the other night that we have had a total accumulation of about 17" so far this season, it still seems strange. The day before yesterday we were having weather that seemed like Spring. The lake looked like it had about 2 " of water resting on the top and my fire pit was filled to the brim with water. The weather has since turned cold and our high for today was 17, but no snow in the forecast. I keep feeling like I'm just not sure exactly what month it is sometimes. I guess much like these ducks who decided to have a roost at the top of this house on the lake. This photo was taken in the summer, but in all the years I have lived here I have never seen them hang out at the top of a roof, but I guess there's a first time for everything....even the weather.